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DeskTool 3.0

A desktop toolbar designed to give you easy access to frequently-used applications by displaying an organized row of buttons from which to choose


DeskTool 3.0

Recommended Download:

MailBell 2.62

Checks one or multiple email accounts (POP3, IMAP, IMAP-SSL, MAPI, Hotmail) and indicates new email via sound or window. When new mail arrives the program can automatically start your mail reader, play a sound and/or display an unobstrusive notification window from which yon can start your mail reader if you like (by clicking with your right mouse button on it). MailBell can be configured to handle different types of email in different ways, e.g., to suppress the sound for spam mail. It also displays the number of available messages in the system tray icon and comes with nice sound files. In the lower part of the Window, MailBell will show a list of all messages. From there, mail can be previewed or even deleted without downloading it into your email program.

Recommended Download:

phpMyAdmin 5.2.0 / 4.9.10

Description by the Software Developer:
"phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields, create dumps of tables and databases, export/import CSV data and administrate one single database and multiple MySQL servers."
Note: "Download" links to the phpMyAdmin Downloads page.

Recommended Download:

Windows XP/2000/NT Key 5.0

Resets Windows 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT security if Administrator password, secure boot password or key disk is lost. The program supports Windows XP Home and Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server, as well as Windows NT Workstation and Server 4.0.
The demo version only demonstrates the program's capabilities, without actually recovering any passwords.

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